Bootstrapping and Confidence Intervals

Based on Chapter 8 of ModernDive. Code for Quiz 12.

Load the R package we will use.

What is the average age of members that have served in congress?

Construct the confidence interval

1. Use specify to indicate the variable from congress_age_100 that you are interested in

Response: age (numeric)
# A tibble: 100 x 1
 1  53.1
 2  54.9
 3  65.3
 4  60.1
 5  43.8
 6  57.9
 7  55.3
 8  46  
 9  42.1
10  37  
# … with 90 more rows

2. generate 1000 replicates of your sample of 100

Response: age (numeric)
# A tibble: 100,000 x 2
# Groups:   replicate [1,000]
   replicate   age
       <int> <dbl>
 1         1  42.1
 2         1  71.2
 3         1  45.6
 4         1  39.6
 5         1  56.8
 6         1  71.6
 7         1  60.5
 8         1  56.4
 9         1  43.3
10         1  53.1
# … with 99,990 more rows

The output has 100,00 rows

3. calculate the mean for each replicate

# A tibble: 1,000 x 2
   replicate  stat
 *     <int> <dbl>
 1         1  53.6
 2         2  53.2
 3         3  52.8
 4         4  51.5
 5         5  53.0
 6         6  54.2
 7         7  52.0
 8         8  52.8
 9         9  53.8
10        10  52.4
# … with 990 more rows

The bootstrap_distribution_mean_age has 1000 means

4. visualize the bootstrap distribution

# A tibble: 1 x 2
  lower_ci upper_ci
     <dbl>    <dbl>
1     51.5     55.2

Calculate the observed point estimate of the mean and assign it to obs_mean_age

[1] 53.36

[1] 53.31373